Thursday, 23 September 2010

Being useful

I help out at Weight Watchers on a wednesday and basically its a case of being down stairs so I can direct people to the class. As the class is up stairs I do occasionally get to look after prams and babies rather than bouncing them up the stairs.
Yesterday it was chaotic. There's a nursery downstairs and its the new term so there were kids crying for about an hour, others screaming and laughing, noise noise and more noise. I hadnt realised how noise sensitive I had got until I had a rotten headache by the time of coming home.
It was fun though as a new member had her grandchild with her and I offered to watch baby while she went upstairs. She told me the little girl would cry so I promised that if she got upset I would get one of the nursery staff to keep an eye on her while I went and got grandma. Anyway after playing with 'dolly' for a little while the child became so interested in all the nursery kids I turned the pram round so she could watch. Grandma came back to a happy child who started howling as she was being pushed away. Its so much fun being useful sometimes lol.

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